Ruel Bayani, Panelist, Best Drama Series (Philippines) for “Cattleya Killer”

David Suwarto, Panelist, Best Drama Series (Indonesia) for “Broken Heart (Lara Ati)”

Itaru Mizuno, Asian Academy Creative Awards Grand Winner 2023 Best Direction Fiction for “Rebooting”, Japan

Stanley Hsu, Panelist, Best Originals Production by a Streamer/OTT Panel for “The Amazing Grace of Σ”

Celine Kao, Panelist, Best Originals Production by a Streamer/OTT Panel for “The Amazing Grace of Σ”

Derek Wong, Panelist, Best Originals Production by a Streamer/OTT Panel for “Bad Boys vs Crazy Girls”, “Nenek Bongkok Tiga” and “Return Man”

Rachel Ng, Panelist, Best Originals Production by a Streamer/OTT Panel for “Last Madame: Sister of the Night

Jean Yeo, Panelist, Best Originals Production by a Streamer/OTT Panel for “Last Madame : Sister of the Night”

Sara Merican, journalist. Moderator Best Feature Film, National Winners Conference 2023

James Ross (CEO Lightning International & Docsville) Moderator, Documentary Panel at 2023 National Winners Conference